Operations Management

Faculty Honors

2024Kevin ShangSecond Prize, POMS Hong Kong International Conference Best Student Paper Award (Entrant: Jingkai Huang)
2023Bora Keskin, Jeannette SongSecond Prize, POMS Hong Kong International Conference Best Student Paper Award (Entrant: Chenghuai Li)
2023Kevin ShangFinalist, Manufacturing & Service Operations Management Best Paper Award
2023Robert SwinneyBest Associate Editor Award, Manufacturing & Service Operations Management 
2023Can ZhangDistinguished Service Award, Management Science
2023Can ZhangMeritorious Service Award, Manufacturing & Service Operations Management
2022Bora Keskin, Jeannette SongWinner, Digital Supply Chain and Supply Diversity Conference Best Paper Competition
2022Kevin ShangWinner, INFORMS Energy, Natural Resources and the Environment (ENRE) Best Publication Award
2022 Kevin ShangFinalist, Manufacturing & Service Operations Management Best Paper Award
2022Jeannette SongHonorable Mention, POMS International Conference in China Student Paper Competition (Entrant: Yi Yu)
2022Jeannette SongFinalist, INFORMS Case Competition
2022Can ZhangFinalist, INFORMS Public Sector Operations Research (PSOR) Best Paper Award
2022Can ZhangMeritorious Service Award, Manufacturing & Service Operations Management
2021Fernando Bernstein, Bora KeskinWinner, Triangle Research Impact Competition
2021Kevin ShangWinner, Management Science Best Paper in Operations Management Award
2021Kevin ShangHonorable Mention, POMS College of Sustainable Operations Student Paper Competition (Entrant: Chen-An Lin)
2021Can ZhangWinner, Manufacturing & Service Operations Management Best Paper Award
2021Can ZhangDistinguished Service Award, Management Science
2021Can ZhangMeritorious Service Award, Manufacturing & Service Operations Management
2020Kevin ShangAward for Excellence in Teaching, Duke MQM Program
2020 Robert SwinneyAward for Excellence in Teaching, Duke Daytime MBA Core Courses
2020Can ZhangMeritorious Service Award, Management Science
2020Can ZhangMeritorious Service Award, Manufacturing & Service Operations Management
2019Bora KeskinWinner, INFORMS Lanchester Prize
2019Kevin ShangDecision Sciences Institute (DSI) Instructional Innovation Award Competition
2019Jeannette SongPOMS Humanitarian Operations and Crisis Management (HOCM) Best Paper Award
2019Jeannette SongWinner, Chinese Scholars Association for Management Science and Engineering (CSAMSE) Best Paper Award
2019Robert SwinneyFinalist, MSOM Interface of Finance, Risk, and Operations Management (iFORM) Best Paper Award
2019Can ZhangWinner, MSOM Award for Responsible Research in Operations Management
2019Can ZhangHonorable Mention, INFORMS George B. Dantzig Dissertation Award
2018Fernando BernsteinWinner, MSOM Society Student Paper Competition (Entrant: Sajad Modaresi)
2018Bora KeskinHonorable Mention, INFORMS Junior Faculty Interest Group (JFIG) Paper Competition
2018Bora KeskinMeritorious Service Award, Management Science
2018Kevin ShangAward for Excellence in Teaching, Duke MQM Program
2018Robert SwinneyAward for Excellence in Teaching, Duke Daytime MBA Core Courses
2018Robert SwinneyDistinguished Service Award, Management Science
2017Bora KeskinMeritorious Service Award, Management Science
2017Kevin ShangAward for Excellence in Teaching, Duke MMS: DKU Program
2017Jeannette SongFellow, INFORMS
2017Jeannette SongFellow, Manufacturing and Service Operations Management (MSOM) Society, INFORMS
2017Jeannette SongPOMS Humanitarian Operations and Crisis Management (HOCM) Best Paper Award
2017Jeannette SongOutstanding Contribution Award, The Chinese Scholars Association for Management Science and Engineering (CSAMSE)
2017Jeannette SongOverseas Review Expert, Chinese Academy of Sciences
2017Can ZhangWinner, MSOM Society Student Paper Competition
2017Can ZhangWinner, INFORMS Doing Good with Good OR Student Paper Competition
2017Can ZhangWinner, MSOM Practice-Based Research Competition
2017Can ZhangWinner, POMS College of Sustainable Operations Best Student Paper Competition
2017Can ZhangFinalist, INFORMS Franz Edelman Award
2016Bora Keskin,
Robert Swinney
Meritorious Service Award, Management Science
2016Jeannette SongThird Prize, The Chinese Scholars Association for Management Science and Engineering (CSAMSE) Best Paper Award
2016Can ZhangFinalist, INFORMS Pierskalla Best Paper Award
2015Kevin ShangNomination for Excellence in Teaching, Duke Daytime MBA Core Courses
2015Jeannette SongThousand Talents Award, The Organization Department of the CCCPC, China
2015Robert SwinneyMeritorious Service Award, Manufacturing & Service Operations Management
2015Can ZhangFinalist, INFORMS George Nicholson Student Paper Competition
2014Kevin ShangSecond Prize, The Chinese Scholars Association in Management Science and Engineering (CSAMSE) Best Paper Award
2014Jeannette SongDistinguished Service Award, Manufacturing & Service Operations Management
2014Robert SwinneyDistinguished Service Award, Management Science
2014Robert SwinneyMeritorious Service Award, Manufacturing & Service Operations Management
2013Li ChenMeritorious Service Award, Management Science
2013Kevin Shang,
Robert Swinney
Meritorious Service Award, Manufacturing & Service Operations Management
2013Kevin ShangSecond Prize, Li & Fung Best Paper Competition at the International Conference of Operations and Supply Chain Management (ICOSCM)
2013Kevin ShangHonorable Mention, Chinese Scholars Association in Management Science and Engineering (CSAMSE) Best Paper Award
2013Kevin ShangAward for Excellence in Teaching, Duke Daytime MBA Core Courses
2013Jeannette SongWinner, Chinese Scholars Association for Management Science and Engineering (CSAMSE) Best Paper Award
2013Robert SwinneyFinalist (on 2 papers), Management Science Best Paper in Operations Management Award
2013Robert SwinneyDistinguished Service Award, Management Science
2012Bora KeskinMeritorious Service Award, Operations Research
2012Fernando Bernstein,
Gurhan Kok,
Kevin Shang
Meritorious Service Award, Manufacturing & Service Operations Management
2012Gurhan KokAward for Excellence in Teaching, Duke Daytime MBA Core Courses
2012Kevin ShangWinner, Chinese Scholars Association for Management Science and Engineering (CSAMSE) Best Paper Award
2012Jeannette SongSecond Prize, Chinese Scholars Association for Management Science and Engineering (CSAMSE) Best Paper Award
2010Li ChenMeritorious Service Award, Manufacturing & Service Operations Management
2010Fernando BernsteinAward for Excellence in Teaching, Duke Goethe Executive MBA
2009Li ChenThird Prize, Chinese Scholars Association for Management Science and Engineering (CSAMSE) Best Paper Award
2009Jeannette SongChang Jiang Scholar, The Ministry of Education, China
2008Fernando BernsteinMeritorious Service Award, Management Science
2008Fernando BernsteinMeritorious Service Award, Operations Research
2008Fernando BernsteinMeritorious Service Award, Manufacturing & Service Operations Management
2007Fernando Bernstein,
Gurhan Kok,
Kevin Shang
Meritorious Service Award, Manufacturing & Service Operations Management
2007Paul ZipkinINFORMS Expository Writing Award
2006Paul ZipkinFellow, INFORMS
2006Paul ZipkinSpeaker for D.R. Fulkerson Lecture Series, The School of Operations Research and Industrial Engineering, Cornell University
2005Gurhan Kok
Kevin Shang
Honorable Mention, INFORMS Junior Faculty Interest Group (JFIG) Paper Competition
2004Fernando Bernstein,
Francis de Vericourt
Finalist, INFORMS Junior Faculty Interest Group (JFIG) Paper Competition
2004Fernando BernsteinMeritorious Service Award, Manufacturing & Service Operations Management
2003Jeannette SongOutstanding Overseas Chinese Young Scientist Award, National Natural Science Foundation of China
2003Gurhan KokHonorable Mention, MSOM Society Student Paper Competition
2003Li ChenHonorable Mention, MSOM Society Student Paper Competition
2002Jeannette SongMeritorious Service Award, Operations Research
2001Jeannette SongMeritorious Service Award, Operations Research
2001Kevin ShangWinner, MSOM Society Student Paper Competition
2001Paul ZipkinFellow, Manufacturing and Service Operations Management (MSOM) Society, INFORMS
1977Paul ZipkinWinner, George E. Nicholson Memorial Paper Competition